Find out what income we use to calculate your household income.
Household income
For salary and wage earners, we’ll use your income information to work out your household income.
For self-employed earners, we’ll use your tax return. Overdue income tax returns need to be filed before you can claim FamilyBoost.
There will be no change to your claim if your income is different at the end of the year.
Payments received from the Ministry of Social Development (MSD)
You will be able to claim FamilyBoost if you are getting payments from MSD and have early childhood education (ECE) costs for a child in your household.
Receiving other subsidies
If you get other subsidies to help with your childcare and have extra costs after this, you will be able to claim FamilyBoost. You cannot claim for any costs already covered by a subsidy. An example of a different subsidy is the Childcare Subsidy from Work and Income.