ECE providers can give caregivers invoices or quarterly statements to help them claim FamilyBoost.
Quarterly statements are:
- for FamilyBoost only
- optional
- easier for caregivers to upload
- not a replacement for your usual invoices.
FamilyBoost is based on fees charged rather than fees paid. Optional charges and service fees should be included.
Invoices and quarterly statements
Invoices and quarterly FamilyBoost statements both need to show the following information about your ECE:
- name
- service address
- licence number
- GST number (if registered).
They will also need to show the:
- full name of the caregiver
- full name(s) of the child or children
- date it was issued
- start and end date of the period covered by the fees
- the final amount invoiced after any other subsidies, discounts or donations (for example, ‘total net fees for the period’).
Quarterly statement requirements
Quarterly FamilyBoost statements also need to show:
- the statement number or unique identifier
- that it is a quarterly statement.
You can add a reference like, 'Quarterly statement', and a date reference like, ‘1 July 2024 to 30 September 2024’.
Invoice requirements
Invoices also need to show the invoice number.
You can keep including other information on your invoices.
This will not affect the caregiver’s FamilyBoost claim.
Home-based providers
Invoices for home-based ECE providers need to:
- include the same details as above
- be sent by either the service provider or the educator.
If you invoice the caregiver and you are GST-registered, you need to include your GST number. If you are not GST-registered, you do not need to include this.
If you are an educator and do not have your own licence number, you need to include the name and licence number of the service provider you contract through.
School term invoices
If you invoice on a term basis, you’ll need to send out a separate invoice for each FamilyBoost quarter.
For example, if term 2 starts on Monday 29 April and ends on Friday 5 July 2024, you should send one invoice for 29 April 2024 to 30 June 2024, and another for 1 July 2024 to 5 July 2024.