New to FamilyBoost
FamilyBoost is a childcare payment to help eligible households pay for the cost of early childhood education (ECE). You may be able to claim up to 25% of your weekly childcare fees, or a maximum of $975 every 3-months.
Can you get FamilyBoost?
Being eligible for FamilyBoost will depend on who cares for your children, your household income and the type of childcare you pay for.
Register for FamilyBoost
You will need to register for FamilyBoost in myIR before you can make a claim. You only need to register once.
Claim your FamilyBoost
You need to submit a FamilyBoost claim to get your refund. You need to submit a new claim in myIR for every quarter.
How to get FamilyBoost October 2024
You will be able to register for and claim FamilyBoost in myIR.
Update a claim
You can add invoices you did not include when you submitted previous FamilyBoost claims, up to the maximum amount you are eligible for.
Early childhood education (ECE) and Kōhanga Reo providers
ECE and Kōhanga Reo providers can give caregivers invoices or quarterly statements to help them claim FamilyBoost.
Last updated:
05 Jun 2024