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New Plymouth office closure | The New Plymouth office is temporarily closed for upgrades and is expected to reopen on Wednesday 12 February.

Gisborne office temporarily closed | Our Gisborne office will be closed from 12pm 14 February 2025 until 10.30am 26 February 2025. For anything urgent, you can call our contact centre.

Ratio option

If you use the ratio option, you’ll pay your provisional tax in 6 instalments.

Instalment Due date
1 28 June 
2 28 August
3 28 October
4 15 January
5 28 February
6 7 May

Standard or estimation option

If you use the standard or estimation option, you'll generally pay 3 instalments of provisional tax. If you're registered for GST, you'll have other instalment options you can choose.

Instalment Due date
1 28 August
2 15 January
3 7 May

Non-standard balance dates

If you do not have a standard balance date of 31 March, and you use the ratio option or standard/estimation option, the due dates for your instalments will be different to the ones shown in the tables above. To find the due dates that apply to you, follow these steps:

  1. Log into myIR.
  2. Open the income tax tile.
  3. Select 'View' provisional tax to see your due dates.

Accounting income method (AIM)

If you use AIM, your due dates for paying and filing your statement of activity will line up with your GST due dates. If you do not have a standard balance date of 31 March, then your software will work out your filing and payment dates. If you file monthly GST returns, you'll file a statement of activity every month.

Instalment Due date
1 28 May
2 28 June
3 28 July
4 28 August
5 28 September
6 28 October
7 28 November
8 15 January
9 28 January
10 28 February
11 28 March
12 7 May

If you file 2 or 6-monthly GST returns or you are not registered for GST, you'll file a statement of activity every 2 months.

Instalment Due date
1 28 June
2 28 August
3 28 October
4 15 January
5 28 February
6 7 May


Making payments

Last updated: 17 Jun 2021
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