Inland Revenue is seeking nominations from the New Zealand technology sector for an industry reference group to advise its Business Transformation programme.
The Information Communications Technology (ICT) Reference Group will be made up of New Zealand ICT professionals with relevant expertise and experience.
Inland Revenue's deputy commissioner of change, Greg James, who will chair the group, said it would help make sure the programme achieved its aim to make paying taxes and receiving entitlements easier and more efficient for all New Zealanders.
"With this group we're looking for outside perspectives and for an open and frank exchange of views between the ICT sector and Inland Revenue."
Mr James said group members would be selected for their ability and willingness to represent views and the voice of the wider ICT community and being able to identify issues and common problems affecting the ICT community.
"We're excited about working with a variety of people with the right skills and experiences," he said. "I'd also like to acknowledge the New Zealand Technology Industry Association, and its chair Bennett Medary, for their guidance and support in helping Inland Revenue establish this new group."
The first meeting will be held in October 2014 and people who are interested in being on the Reference Group should email [email protected] for a copy of the Terms of Reference. Nominations close on Friday 15 August 2014.