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Media releases

Inland Revenue selects partner for new tax system

Inland Revenue has selected Fast Enterprises (Fast) as its preferred supplier to design and supply the software platform that will run New Zealand's new tax and social policy administration system.

Inland Revenue's Deputy Commissioner Change, Greg James, said this was a significant step towards a simpler, more effective tax system that would make paying taxes easier, reduce compliance costs and effort, and make introducing policy changes easier and more cost-effective for Government.

"Modernising New Zealand's tax system is high on the Government's business growth agenda," he said.

"Importantly, it will allow us to link our systems across government and the private sector, fit revenue processes seamlessly into customers' lives, and use information more intelligently.

"It will help deliver significant benefits to businesses and individuals, and create opportunities for public and private sector interests to work together to improve taxpayer and customer experiences."

Mr James said he expected that work would begin in July.

"Initial tasks will be the detailed design of new streamlined digital services for PAYE and GST information collection," he said.

"Ultimately, the new system will run the core tax and social policy administration. It will progressively replace our existing FIRST system."

Mr James said Fast was selected after an exhaustive evaluation process that included demonstrating how a new system would deal with Inland Revenue's most complex customer scenarios, as well as seeing Fast's solution operating successfully at other tax agencies.

"Fast will supply a fully integrated tax solution, rather than building a system from the ground up," he said.

"In addition we have begun and will continue extensive communications with business, tax agents, accountants, banks, software developers, individuals and other government agencies."