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FamilyBoost registrations | You can register for FamilyBoost in myIR from 17 September 2024. Find out more: How to get FamilyBoost October 2024

Media releases

Inland Revenue services message

Inland Revenue is continuing to provide essential services for business and individual customers, including payments to Working for Families customers and the administration of Child Support.

Because of the extremely difficult circumstances, we are having to prioritise the work we do and adjust the way we do it accordingly. But please be assured payments will be made.

Contact by phone is severely limited so customers will have to make every effort to make their contacts online - preferably through MyIR.

Please continue to respond to electronic mail from Inland Revenue.

Importantly, we will be flexible in the way we approach filing obligations (GST and provisional tax, for example) and tax debt. More details on filing and debt will be provided as soon as possible.

Again, please be assured that we will remain open during the Alert 4 period and will prioritise working on all critical matters related to your tax entitlement and payment obligations. We know these are matters causing real stress and uncertainty and we are working urgently to provide as much certainty as quickly as we can.

Our thanks for your patience in what is a difficult time for everyone.