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FamilyBoost claims | You can now claim FamilyBoost in myIR for the 1 July - 30 September quarter. Find out more: Claim your FamilyBoost

Registering your client for donation tax credits

We're aware many tax agents and intermediaries are having difficulties registering their clients for Donation tax credits (DTC). 

To register follow these steps:

From the intermediary centre  > Select 'Client registration' > 'Register client for donation tax credit' > Enter client's IRD number and continue ...

Note: The registration cannot be done from your client's profile under the 'I want to ...' section.

Filing donation tax credit claims

  • When filing a donation credit claim on behalf of a client, do this through the 'Intermediary centre' in myIR under 'Donation tax credits claim'.
  • Filing through the 'Intermediary centre'  means you do not have to add receipts.
  • If trying to file directly through the clients REB account, you'll be asked to add receipts .
  • To make a claim on behalf of clients, an intermediary only has to sight the receipts.
  • You can only file a DTC claim for the past 4 years.
Last updated: 17 Apr 2023
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