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Some services unavailable 16 - 17 November | myIR, gateway services and our self-service phone line will not be available from 3pm Saturday 16 November to 9am Sunday 17 November while we do planned system testing. This will not affect any tax entitlements or payments scheduled during this time.

Find out about the latest changes and visit our website for more information.

Foreign Investment fund: deemed rate of return

The deemed rate of return for taxing interests in foreign investment funds is 8.15% for the 2022-2023 year. This is up from the previous year’s rate of 6.01%.

Foreign investment funds deemed rates

Paid parental leave

From 1 July 2023, eligible employees and self-employed people will see an increase in the parental leave payment from $661.12 per week to $712.17 per week before tax.

The minimum rate for self-employed people will increase from $212.00 to $227.00 per week, which is equal to 10 hours worked per week at the adult minimum wage.

Paid parental leave payments

Last updated: 20 Jun 2023
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