Over the last 2 years we’ve run several campaigns to follow up customers whose wage and government subsidies look like they’ve been wrongly reported in the 2021 and 2022 IR3 returns.
Where linked, we’ve contacted agents by web messages or used client lists provided by your account manager (where there were 10+ clients). Our last reminder campaign was on 16 August 2023 (and was just web message).
We still have a number of customers whose returns are wrong despite these reminders. Of these, around 63% have agents.
We may contact your clients directly
We appreciate agents do not always have all the subsidy information, and may have difficulty getting it from their clients. For that reason, in our new campaign we may contact your clients directly if we can see you have not been able to resolve the issue. If we do contact clients directly, we’ll encourage them to contact you to talk about the issues.