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Gisborne office temporarily closed | Our Gisborne office will be closed from 12pm 14 February 2025 until 10.30am 26 February 2025. For anything urgent, you can call our contact centre.

We act impartially and independently. The Commissioner has statutory independence and is responsible for our performance and making decisions about what our resources work on.

We are the principal steward of New Zealand’s revenue system. This means we make sure that each product we are responsible for and the revenue system as a whole:

  • is effective and efficient
  • works as intended
  • achieves the intended outcomes
  • is fit for purpose.

We maintain the integrity of the revenue system by making it clear and simple for people to pay and receive the right amounts. We develop policy and design processes to meet customers’ and stakeholders’ needs as they change and evolve, and evaluate how effective they are.

We advise the Government on tax policy and the social policies we administer, together with other agencies where appropriate. This includes advising the Government on international tax issues and developing New Zealand’s international tax legislation.

We have responsibility for, or a major role in:

  • Collecting revenue (most of the revenue we collect comes from income tax and GST).
  • Administering Working for Families, child support, KiwiSaver, student loans, paid parental leave, and unclaimed money.
  • Sharing information with other agencies.
  • Administering COVID-19 response packages - including the small business cashflow (loan) scheme and the resurgence support payment. We also support the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) to administer the wage subsidy scheme.

Together with other government agencies we have a role to play in delivering inter-generational wellbeing and positive outcomes over time for all New Zealanders. This includes meeting our obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and delivering on our role as part of the Māori Crown relationship.

Last updated: 25 Nov 2021
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