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To better understand the tax compliance costs of small and medium enterprises (SME), we have undertaken research designed to produce a vast array of compliance cost-related information.

Small and medium enterprises compliance cost reports

2021 SME tax compliance cost report

The 2021 SME tax compliance cost report outlines the results from a survey of 14,063 small business done in April to June 2021.

A significant change to the tax system occurred when payday filing became mandatory for all employers in April 2019. There has been some increase in compliance times since 2018 but overall, annual compliance time is lower than 2013. While the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative effect on cashflow and trading conditions for some, most small businesses believe the ease of meeting their tax responsibilities is the same as a year ago and the time involved is acceptable.

Improvements to the digital experience when dealing with Inland Revenue are continuing to be noticed and match the trend of more businesses adopting software and online services that support their business operations.

2018 SME tax compliance cost report

The 2018 SME tax compliance cost report outlines the results from a survey of 6,003 small business done in September to October 2018. It shows the amount of time that small businesses spend on their taxes is the same as 2016, but costs have risen. Stress is a little higher and some businesses are struggling with changes to regulations or processes, but many are finding improvements made to Inland Revenue’s website and digital services are making things easier.

2016 SME tax compliance cost report

This report outlines the results from a survey of 4,028 small businesses about the time and cost of doing business taxes.

2014 SME tax compliance cost report

This report outlines the results of a qualitative study that was undertaken with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to identify practical ideas that would help reduce their effort and stress in dealing with Inland Revenue.

2013 SME tax compliance cost report

This report outlines the results from a survey of 1,206 small business done between November 2013 and January 2014.

2004 SME tax compliance cost report

This report compares the results of the 2013 survey with the 2004 survey of small business compliance costs.

Last updated: 28 Apr 2021
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