Income tax Dates
JAN 28AIM instalments are due if you file GST monthly and have a March balance date.
FEB 7End-of-year income tax and Working for Families bills are due, unless your tax agent has an extension of time to file your income tax return.
FEB 28Provisional tax payments are due if you have a March balance date and use the ratio option.
You can register for income equalisation in myIR. This allows you to:
- view balances
- deposit funds
- request a refund.
Before you start
You’ll need:
- to check you're eligible for the income equalisation scheme
Who is eligible - your business’s BIC code
- your current RWT rate
- the date you made your first deposit into the income equalisation scheme. (If this is your first deposit, you’ll use today’s date.)
Select 'more' next to 'I want to'
You’ll find this on the right side of your myIR home page. This will bring up a list of options.
Select 'Register for income equalisation'
This option is under ‘other actions’.
Fill in the online form
Use the information you gathered and submit the form to us.
Log in to myIR
You can write to us about your balances, deposits and refunds. The previous IR155 paper forms are no longer being used.
Inland Revenue
PO Box 39010
Wellington Mail Centre
Lower Hutt 5045
What happens next
Your registration should process in real time. Then your income equalisation account will appear in myIR.
If you have a tax agent or nominated person linked for income tax, they will automatically be linked for income equalisation as well.