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We work with other agencies and external partners, including sharing information with them when appropriate, to deliver better services and outcomes for New Zealanders.

Business customers gain value from easy and seamless dealings with Government

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Better for Business programme runs ongoing research for 10 agencies, including Inland Revenue, providing insights into how we can improve the experience businesses have when they deal with us. The programme’s Customer Experience Index (CXI) measures how businesses rate their experience of dealing with government services.

  • 63 - Our CXI score.

Customer Experience Index (CXI) for Inland Revenue

Our business customers reported a significantly improved experience when dealing with us. Our CXI score increased eight points from 55 in December 2019 to 63 in June 2021. The overall score for the public sector also increased in June 2021, driven predominately by our 8-point increase. Results improved for both businesses that employ staff and those that do not.

Satisfaction and service performance (the percentage of matters resolved within 2 contacts) showed a significant lift, with the latter metric’s result the best seen since measurement began in 2015.

The time taken to deal with us in a recent dealing reduced significantly in the June 2021 period, from 112 minutes in December 2019 to 67 minutes in June 2021. This is the lowest since this measurement began in 2016.

Note, the survey was put on hold in 2020 due to the impacts of COVID-19 on businesses.

By 2021, 80% of the transactions for 20 common public services will be completed digitally

The Digital Government Leadership Group supports digital uptake for common public services, with a target that 80% of transactions will be completed digitally by 2021. We report on 2 transactions in the top 20 services: paying individual income tax and claiming donation tax credits.

  • 98.3% of individual income tax payments were digital (June 2020: 94.8%).
  • 82.1% of donation tax credits claims were digital (June 2020: 71.9%).

Our results are above the target of 80% and have increased from last year, demonstrating the continued increase in customers using digital channels to interact with us.

Results from working with others to deliver services for New Zealanders

One of our case studies looks at how we set up an information portal with the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) to help administer the Wage Subsidy and the COVID-19 Income Relief Payment. The portal has allowed MSD staff to access information to verify employer applications. It helped get funding to eligible customers quickly, while protecting people’s privacy with appropriate access permissions and provision of the minimum data needed for verification.

New ways of sharing information with other agencies

Over the past few years, we have also been implementing a set of tools that will make it easier for us to do our day-to-day administrative work. Ātea is a modern, cloud-based platform for performing enterprise support services. It is built on a common process model (CPM) that we have made available for other government agencies to use. The CPM covers business processes for human resources, procurement, finance and asset management.

This year, we delivered the final parts of the Ātea programme and continued to support the use of the CPM across the public sector. At the end of June, we helped transition the CPM to a new Common Process Model Unit within the Department of Internal Affairs.

Last updated: 02 Nov 2021
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