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Under sections 154(1)(b), 155 and156 of the Privacy Act 2020, the Privacy Commissioner has specified the following reporting in respect of the approved information sharing agreement listed in Schedule 2A of the Privacy Act between Inland Revenue and MSD to facilitate the following public services.

  • The accurate and efficient assessment of eligibility for, and entitlement to, benefits and subsidies.
  • The accurate and efficient assessment and enforcement of tax obligations, including recovering any associated debt.
  • The accurate and efficient assessment and enforcement of obligations relating to benefits and subsidies, including recovering any associated debt.

Inland Revenue will collate the following information annually (for the period between 1 July and 30 June) and report the information in its annual report for that year.


Administration of shared services
Shares derived from: 2020–21 2021–22
Number of records disclosed (MSD to Inland Revenue)
Commencement/cessation of benefits/students 610 144
Child support administration 94,378[1] 470,567[2]
Student loan programme 24,531,906 18,683,988
Administration of social assistance
Shares derived from 2020–21 2021–22
Number of records disclosed (Inland Revenue to MSD)
Community Service Card 3,066,557 2,380,817
Commencement/cessation of benefits/students 610 144
Proactive information share - benefits and students 303,626 1,130,036
Child support administration 402,047[1] 180,351[2]
Student loan programme 387,504 331,213

Benefits (Quantitative)

Administration of shared services (Inland Revenue)
Metric 2020–21 2021–22
Number of services automatically transferred
Working for Families Tax Credit (WfFTC) administration 19,667 16,126
Number of services stopped (overpayments)
WfFTC double payment (number)[4] 995 1,985
Administration of social assistance (MSD) (across product range)
Metric 2020–21 2021–22
Services offered or renewed (number)
Community Services Card 415,134 369,241
Service cancellations (number)
Proactive information share - benefits and students 33 594
Adverse action notices (number sent)
Community Services Card 14,473 6,624
Commencement/cessation of benefits/students 1 0
Proactive information share - benefits and students   15,985[4] 72,953
Challenges (number received and number upheld)
Community Services Card (received) 75 0
Community Services Card (upheld) 23 0
Commencement/cessation of benefits/students (received) 0 0
Commencement/cessation of benefits/students (upheld) 0 0
Proactive information share - benefits and students (received) 176 1,010
Proactive information share - benefits and students (upheld) 36 234
Overpayments established (number and value)
Commencement/cessation of benefits/students (number) 0 0
Commencement/cessation of benefits/students (value) $0 $0
Proactive information share - benefits and students (number) 5,247 24,835
Proactive information share - benefits and students (value) $12,363,552 $65,459,722
Arrears created (number and value)
Commencement/cessation of benefits/students (number) 0 0
Commencement/cessation of benefits/students (value)  $0 $0
Proactive information share - benefits and students (number) 0 29
Proactive information share - benefits and students (value) $0 $4,418
Referrals for suspected fraud (number)
Proactive information share - benefits and students 0 0
Prosecutions successful (number)
Proactive information share - benefits and students 5 2


1 Estimated (as agreed with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner).

2 Actual figure. Child support data has now been migrated to Inland Revenue's new START system.

3 The programme was on hold for most of the year, as MSD staff were diverted to other priority COVID-19 related tasks, resulting in a reduction in proactive information share activities (note that records were still received from Inland Revenue). The figure reported for 'proactive information share - benefits and subsidies' means 'clients with a case or an investigation created by MSD'. An adverse action letter may not need to be sent to the client in all situations, and in other situations, multiple letters may be sent.

4 The $ value of the WfFTC double payment could not be assessed due to a change of reporting system within Inland Revenue.

Qualitative benefits

In the 2021–22 year.

  • The information sharing under this AISA has effectively helped MSD to assess eligibility for Community Services Cards, benefits and subsidies, and to identify overpayments. It is also the most effective way for Inland Revenue and MSD to ensure customers receive their correct Working for Families Tax Credit entitlements.
  • There have been no data breaches under the AISA.
  • Data was continually shared throughout this reporting period. However, actions were not carried out by MSD as a result of resources being diverted to the COVID-19 response. This has impacted both the 'Commencement/cessation of benefits/student match' and 'proactive information share' recorded values within this reporting period.


In the 2021–22 year.

  • MSD and Inland Revenue have received no privacy complaints about the operation of the information sharing under the AISA.
  • there has been no change to the Order in Council.
Last updated: 09 Sep 2022
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