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Accounts receivable and other debtors transactions are considered to be exchange transactions. Debtor Crown transactions are considered to be non-exchange transactions.

Allowance for credit losses

Debtors and receivables are recorded at their face value, less an allowance for credit losses. IR applies the simplified expected credit loss model of recognising lifetime expected credit losses for receivables.

In measuring credit losses, receivables have been assessed both on a collective basis where they possess shared credit risk characteristics, and on an individual basis where we had specific information about cost recoveries. They have been grouped based on the days past due.

Short-term receivables are written off when there is no reasonable expectation of recovery. Indicators that there is no reasonable expectation of recovery include the debtor being in liquidation.

Current and non-current asset exchange transactions for 2023 and 2024.
Exchange transactions Actual 2023 ($000) Actual 2024 ($000) Unaudited budget 2024 ($000)
Current assets–exchange transactions
Accounts receivable $2,366 $3,307 $3,310
Less allowance for credit losses $(1,426) $(1,512) $(1,500)
Other debtors $494 $459 -
Net debtors $1,434 $2,254 $1,810
Prepayments $11,215 $10,457 $12,000
Total current assets–exchange transactions $12,649 $12,711 $13,810
Non-current assets–exchange transactions 
Prepayments $338 $395 $50
Total non-current assets–exchange transactions $338 $395 $50
Total debtors and prepayments–exchange transactions $12,987 $13,106

The expected credit loss rates for accounts receivable are based on the payment profile of receivables over the previous periods and the corresponding historical credit losses experienced for that period. The historical loss rates are adjusted for current and forward-looking economic factors that might affect the recoverability of receivables.

There have been no changes during the reporting period in the estimation techniques or significant assumptions used in measuring the expected credit loss allowance.

The allowance for credit losses at 30 June 2024 and 30 June 2023 was determined as follows:

Allowance for credit losses at 30 June 2023 and 2024.
Year and period Expected credit loss rate Gross carrying amount ($000) Lifetime expected credit loss ($000)
Not past due 2.30% $871 $20
Past due 1 to 30 days 7.67% $404 $31
Past due 31 to 60 days 6.43% $373 $24
Past due 61 to 90 days 30.67% $75 $23
Past due > 90 days 89.27% $1,584 $1,414
Total 45.72% $3,307 $1,512
Not past due 0.49% $616 $3
Past due 1 to 30 days 24.00% $50 $12
Past due 31 to 60 days 13.73% $51 $7
Past due 61 to 90 days 32.61% $46 $15
Past due > 90 days 86.60% $1,604 $1,389
Total 60.25% $2,367 $1,426

Movements in the allowance for credit losses are as follows.

Movements in the allowance for credit losses in 2023 and 2024.
Movement Actual 2023 ($000) Actual 2024 ($000)
Opening balance as at 1 July $1,234 $1,426
Additional provisions made during the year $256 $150
Receivables written off during the year $(64) $(64)
Closing balance as at 30 June $1,426 $1,512

Sensitivity analysis

The following table shows the effect of changes in the lifetime expected credit loss assumption.

Last updated: 05 Dec 2024
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