We measure the performance of our services against output measures and targets as set out in The Estimates of Appropriations for the Government of New Zealand for the Year Ending 30 June 2024. This section reports on financial and non-financial performance for these appropriations. Full details are on the Treasury Te Tai Ōhanga website:
IR has 3 appropriations to provide services to the Government and the public and deliver other activities:
- Services for Customers (a multi-category appropriation)
- Services to Other Agencies
- Residual Activities Following the Transformation Programme’s Substantive Closure.
Linking appropriations to outcomes
Our Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) describes how we track the progress we’re making towards our outcomes as set out in IR’s Statement of Intent 2021–2025. The framework shows the departmental appropriations that IR is responsible for and how our appropriations and outcomes are connected. Each appropriation contributes to one or more of our outcomes.
Our performance against our services: a summary
This year, we achieved 22 out of 29 (76%) of our output performance measures. This is a slight drop 2022–23 when we achieved 29 out of 36 (81%).
In this section, for any results where we have not achieved the target or have exceeded it by 15% or more, we have provided further explanation.
None of the target and forecast figures on these pages are subject to audit:
Residual activities following the transformation programmes substantive closure
The key we use to show our performance against the measure:
- achieved - we met the target
- not achieved - we did not meet the target.