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All current KiwiSaver data, including monthly data, is available in Excel downloads located on the Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics page. Annual data is due to be uploaded by 30 September.

Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics

Number of savings suspensions by type each month

This graph shows the number of savings suspensions by type, over the past 12 months.

Graph showing savings suspensions as per figures below. 

This graph has 2 lines tracking savings suspensions due to either financial hardship or ordinary holiday. The vertical axis shows the number of KiwiSaver members. The horizontal axis represents data over the past 12 months.


  • Active members can request savings suspensions. There are 2 types of savings suspension:
    • ordinary - can be granted to any member after 12 months of membership
    • financial hardship - can be granted earlier for members in financial hardship.

In June 2024:

  • 88,921 KiwiSaver members were on a savings suspension, down from 102,646 in June 2023
    • 1,535 KiwiSaver members were on financial hardship suspensions, down from 1,691 in June 2023
    • 87,386 KiwiSaver members were on ordinary savings suspensions, down from 100,955 in June 2023.

Number of saving suspension by type as at 30 June

This graph shows the number of savings suspensions by type as at 30 June.

This graph has 2 lines tracking savings suspension due to either financial hardship or ordinary holiday. The vertical axis shows the number of KiwiSaver members. The horizontal axis represents data from June 2013 to June 2023.

This graph has 2 lines tracking savings suspension due to either financial hardship, or ordinary holiday. The vertical axis shows the number of KiwiSaver members. The horizontal axis represents data from June 2013 to June 2023.


  • Active members can request savings suspensions. There are two types of savings suspension:
    • ordinary - can be granted to any member after 12 months of membership
    • financial hardship - can be granted earlier for members in financial hardship.

In June 2023, 102,646 KiwiSaver members were on saving suspension, up from 101,415 in June 2013. Of these:

  • 1,691 were on a financial hardship savings suspension, up from 307 in June 2013
  • 100,955 were on an ordinary savings suspension, down from 101,108 in June 2013.

Suspending KiwiSaver deductions and contributions

Number of savings suspensions by duration each month

This graph shows the number of KiwiSaver members on a savings suspension, by duration.

Graph showing savings suspensions as per figures below.

This graph has 13 stacked vertical bars bars showing the number of savings suspensions from less than 12 months through to 36+ months. The vertical axis shows the number of KiwiSaver members who are on a saving suspension. The horizontal axis represents data from the past 12 months.


  • Only active members can request savings suspensions.
  • There are 2 types of savings suspensions:
    • ordinary - can be granted to any member after 12 months of membership
    • financial hardship - can be granted earlier for members in financial hardship.
  • From 1 April 2019 an employee can apply for a savings suspension for a period from 3 months to 1 year. Previously, the period allowed was anywhere from 3 months to 5 years.
  • A KiwiSaver member can apply for a new savings suspension at any time, they do not need to wait for their current suspension to expire.
  • If a new savings suspension is granted before the current suspension expires, (extending the savings suspension) the duration is measured as a continuous period from the earliest date granted.

In June 2024:

  • 88,921 KiwiSaver members were on savings suspensions, down from 102,646 in June 2023
  • 57,599 members were on savings suspensions up to 12 months, down from 60,785 in June 2023
  • 16,382 members were on savings suspensions for 13 to 24 months, up from 12,519 in June 2023
  • 5,632 members were on savings suspensions for 25 to 36 months, up from 4,071 in June 2023
  • 9,308 KiwiSaver members were on savings suspensions for over 36 months, down from 25,271 in June 2023.

Number of savings suspensions by duration as at 30 June

This graph shows the number of savings suspensions, by duration, as at 30 June.

This graph has 11 stacked vertical bars showing the number of savings suspensions from less than 12 months through to 36+ months. The vertical axis shows the number of KiwiSaver members who are on a saving suspension. The horizontal axis represents data from June 2013 to June 2023.

This graph has 11 stacked vertical bars showing the number of savings suspensions from less than 12 months through to 36+ months. The vertical axis shows the number of KiwiSaver members who are on a saving suspension. The horizontal axis represents data from June 2013 to June 2023.


  • Active members can request a savings suspension. There are 2 types of savings suspensions:
    • ordinary - can be granted to any member after 12 months of membership
    • financial hardship - can be granted earlier for members in financial hardship
    • A savings suspension can last up to 5 years. If a member does not specify a length, the default period is 5 years.
  • From 1 April 2019 an employee can apply for a savings suspension for a period from 3 months to 1 year. Previously, the period allowed was anywhere between 3 months to 5 years.
  • A KiwiSaver member can apply for a new savings suspension at any time, they do not need to wait for their current suspension to expire.
  • If a new savings suspension is granted before the current suspension expires, (extending the savings suspension) the duration is measured as a continuous period from the earliest date granted. 

In June 2023:

  • 60,785 members were on saving suspension for 12 months or less, up from 6,962 in June 2013
  • 12,519 members were on saving suspension for 13 months or more, but not exceeding 24 months, up from 3,999 in June 2013
  • 4,071 members were on saving suspension for 25 months or more, but not exceeding 36 months, up from 2,099 in June 2013
  • 25,271 members were on saving suspension for 36 months or more, down from 88,355 in June 2013.
Last updated: 19 Jul 2024
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