All current KiwiSaver data, including monthly data, is available in Excel downloads located on the Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics page. Annual data is due to be uploaded by 30 September.
Information on the number of KiwiSaver members by age, and annual income as 30 June is available in the KiwiSaver annual download
Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics
Number of KiwiSaver members, by region as at 30 June
Region | Jun-21 |
Jun-22 |
Jun-23 |
Auckland | 1,017,974 | 1,049,992 | 1,116,826 |
Bay of Plenty | 189,352 | 193,824 | 206,014 |
Canterbury | 375,217 | 385,187 | 415,301 |
Chatham Islands | 105 | 107 | 322 |
Gisborne | 29,103 | 29,588 | 31,708 |
Hawke's Bay | 104,816 | 106,655 | 111,843 |
Manawatū/Whanganui | 139,165 | 141,835 | 150,862 |
Marlborough | 27,500 | 28,064 | 29,869 |
Nelson | 31,881 | 32,605 | 34,502 |
Northland | 97,374 | 98,941 | 109,353 |
Otago | 130,556 | 134,106 | 148,723 |
Other | 208,220 | 210,304 | 101,404 |
Southland | 54,447 | 55,674 | 61,130 |
Taranaki | 70,097 | 71,586 | 75,416 |
Tasman | 30,211 | 30,646 | 34,486 |
Waikato | 273,894 | 280,750 | 300,676 |
Wellington | 328,022 | 337,276 | 352,324 |
West Coast | 16,993 | 17,212 | 19,635 |
Total | 3,124,927 | 3,204,352 | 3,300,394 |
- For comparison to previous years, please refer to the annual download on the KiwiSaver datasets page.
- From April 2020, KiwiSaver information is reported from a new system.
Last updated:
29 Sep 2023