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New Plymouth office closure | The New Plymouth office is temporarily closed for upgrades and is expected to reopen on Wednesday 12 February.

Gisborne office temporarily closed | Our Gisborne office will be closed from 12pm 14 February 2025 until 10.30am 26 February 2025. For anything urgent, you can call our contact centre.

Before you start

You'll need your:

  • total sales and income
  • total purchases and expenses
  • adjustments from your calculation sheet.

Find the return you need to file

  • In myIR, select ‘Returns and transactions’ next to the GST account
  • Select the ‘File return’ link next to the period you're filing for, such as 31-Mar-2022
  • Select whether or not you're filing a nil return. 

If you’ve been filing nil for a while, check whether you need to cancel your GST registration.

Cancelling your GST registration

Select a filing option

Select either:

  • GST amounts
  • Total sales and purchases.

Fill out the return details

You'll need to fill out:

  • Sales and income details
  • Purchases and expenses
  • Credit and debit adjustments (if you have any).

Review the return to check it's correct

This will show your assessment.

Payment or refund

If you need to make a payment, you can pay by direct debit, credit card or debit card now.

You can also choose to pay later.

Submit the return

If you need to, you can attach correspondence or receipts to the return before you submit it. For example, use ‘Add receipts’ to attach tax invoices.

Log in to myIR

If your accounting software allows you to file your return directly with us, you can do this.

If you do not have myIR, we'll send you paper returns to complete. You can also download a paper return.

What happens next

If you have a refund we'll pay it within 15 working days.

You can fix any mistakes in your return after you've submitted it.

Fixing mistakes in my return

Your responsibilities

Submit your return and make any required payment by the due date.

If you cannot submit your return, or pay on time penalties and interest may apply.

If you can't pay your bill on time find out more about your options.

I'm struggling to file and pay my tax

Make sure we have your correct contact details, bank account and income information. You can update your details at any time in myIR.

You can use our disputes process if you disagree with our assessment.

When you start the disputes process

Last updated: 30 Oct 2024
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