Put together your monthly report
You’ll need to have these details in the report:
- your name, IRD number and contact address
- the total amount of interest paid and the total amount of tax withheld in the month - or the period for which interest is paid, but not cumulative
- the name, IRD number, date of birth and contact address of any joint owners.
For each of the people who received interest, we’ll need:
- their name and contact details
- the amount and type of income paid to them
- the tax withheld from it or the approved issuer levy paid on it
- the date the tax was withheld or the levy paid.
If you have it, we'll need for each of the people who received interest their:
- their IRD number
- their date of birth
- the tax rate they gave you.
Work out the deduction rate for each person you are paying
The NRWT rate is different if you’re paying dividends, interest and royalties to people:
- who live in a country we have a double tax agreement (DTA) with
- who live in a country we do not have a DTA with
- when you do not know where they live
- who move a lot.
Investment society dividends are always seen as interest and taxed at 15%.
Send us your report and pay
You can send your report to us using:
- gateway web services
- myIR file upload services
- online in myIR - you can also pay by direct debit in myIR.
Investment income reporting through gateway services
Investment income reporting through file upload services