Te noho hei kaiwhakarato kaupapa KiwiSaver
Becoming a KiwiSaver scheme provider
Contact us about being a scheme provider
If you're interested in becoming a KiwiSaver scheme provider, email us at [email protected] and request a scheme provider agreement (SPA). We may ask some questions before we agree to send you a SPA. The SPA is Inland Revenue's intellectual property. It is an agreement between us and a provider and includes:
- trademark requirements
- technical specifications
- operational support requirements.
After you've read the SPA and spoken to the Financial Markets Authority, and want to proceed with registering as a scheme provider, you'll need to sign a SPA with us.
We'll then advise the Financial Market Authority that we've signed a SPA with you. They'll continue the next steps in the registration process.
Your relationship manager
Once we’ve signed a SPA with you, you’ll be assigned a relationship manager.
They’re your main point of contact with us during, and after, your registration.
Using the KiwiSaver trade marks
We give a KiwiSaver trade mark licence to scheme providers. The licence is part of the scheme provider agreement (SPA). Once we co-sign your SPA, you're licensed to use them.
Before your scheme goes live we review and approve the use of the trade marks in your marketing material and website.
KiwSaver manager licences from the FMA
When you've a signed a SPA with us, you must ask the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) for a KiwiSaver manager's licence.
You cannot set up a KiwiSaver scheme without one.
Financial Markets AuthorityRegistering with the Companies Office
You must contact the Companies Office and get your KiwiSaver scheme registered with them. You do this once you have:
- an executed SPA with us
- a manager's licence from the FMA.
When the Companies Office registers your scheme they’ll issue your KiwiSaver scheme with a registration number.
Companies OfficeScheme go-live
You can go-live with your scheme when:
- the SPA has been signed by you and us
- your systems testing (if required) is successfully completed
- you've been registered with the FMA and Companies Office
- you've provided us with the necessary details about the scheme for our systems
- your marketing material and website meet the KiwiSaver trade mark requirements
- you've agreed a go-live date with us.