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Ngā whakaritenga hangarau mō te KiwiSaver KiwiSaver technical requirements

All KiwiSaver scheme providers will need to comply with technical requirements. These are set out in schedules B and D of the scheme provider agreement (SPA).

Your scheme will need to be able to send and receive data secure and on time, using automated processes and a single standard for B2B communications with all scheme providers.

If you don't meet the technical requirements at the time of signing the SPA you must outline the steps you will take to achieve systems development milestones. 

Integration and compatibility testing

Every new scheme provider will likely need to go through a systems integration and compatibility testing process to ensure that the data exchange functions correctly. Schedule D of the SPA sets out the testing requirements in more detail.

Testing is the final, formal component of provider integration. It verifies functional and technical integration between your system and the KiwiSaver B2B gateway.

Testing does not assess nor certify the capability of your organisation's back-end processing systems. Timeframes for systems testing will be on a case-by-case basis.

Last updated: 28 Apr 2021
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