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FamilyBoost claims | You can now claim FamilyBoost in myIR for the 1 July - 30 September quarter. Find out more: Claim your FamilyBoost

All our buying activities are made within the framework of:

  • Principles of Government Procurement
  • Government Rules of Sourcing
  • Inland Revenue policy and practice guidance

How we work

Our preference is to use Government collaborative contracts, our own internal panel arrangements and existing supply contracts where we can. In some cases, use of the Government collaborative contracts is mandated.

Other contract opportunities with a total estimated value of $100k or more will generally be advertised through the Government Electronic Tenders Service run by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).

To register for this free service visit:

GETS (Government Electronic Tenders Service)


We also provide a yearly forecast of our expected procurements to MBIE, which is included in the consolidated list of anticipated New Zealand government procurement:. See the excel spreadsheet below.

Note about forecast procurements

Forecast procurements are subject to revision or cancellation. The information is for planning purposes only. It does not represent a pre-solicitation or an invitation for bids, and is not a commitment by us to purchase the described goods and services.

Internal panel arrangements

Panel name Description
Development Services Closed panel for a range of IT services
IT&T Infrastructure Closed panel for a range of IT services
IT Transitional Advisory Services Closed panel for a range of IT-related services
Advanced Analytics Open panel for analytics products and services

New suppliers

If you're a new supplier, you'll need to complete the IR388, IR816, IR820 and IR822 forms.

Last updated: 28 Apr 2021
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