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New Plymouth office closure | The New Plymouth office is temporarily closed for upgrades and is expected to reopen on Wednesday 12 February.

Gisborne office temporarily closed | Our Gisborne office will be closed from 12pm 14 February 2025 until 10.30am 26 February 2025. For anything urgent, you can call our contact centre.

Why we include the non-departmental schedules

Inland Revenue collects and distributes money on behalf of the Crown and the following non-departmental schedules provide information on the financial extent of these activities. The Commissioner is accountable for the financial management of these activities.

2021-22 non-departmental tax revenue totalled $100.6 billion and comprises tax returns and accruals. The majority of this amount is expected to be collected and will be used to fund government programmes. 2021-22 non-departmental expenses incurred were $9.8 billion, including Working for Families Tax Credits, KiwiSaver member tax credits, interest, the COVID-19 Resurgence Support Payment, the COVID-19 Support Payment and other expenses.

What non-departmental schedules are and are not

The non-departmental schedules are prepared in accordance with relevant accounting policies and the Treasury instructions to disclose non-departmental activities.

The non-departmental schedules do not, and are not intended to, constitute a set of financial statements and, therefore, do not include elements that would normally be expected to be found in financial statements, such as details of a surplus or deficit or Statement of financial position.

For a full understanding of the Crown's financial position and the results of its operation and cash flows, refer to the consolidated 'Financial Statements of the Government of New Zealand for the year ended 30 June 2022'.

Financial statements of the Government -

Last updated: 30 Aug 2022
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