Peter Mersi
Commissioner and Chief Executive
Peter was appointed in July 2022. He has previously held Chief Executive roles at the Ministry for Transport Te Manatū Waka and Land Information New Zealand Toitū Te Whenua and acted as Chief Executive at the Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Tai whenua.
He co-chairs Papa Pounamu, an initiative to support and grow diversity and inclusion in the public sector, and is the Service Transformation System Lead.
Lisa Barrett
Deputy Commissioner, Customer and Compliance Services – Business
This group gives advice and support to businesses of all sizes to get it right from the start, intervenes when they’re getting things wrong and follows up when they choose not to do the right thing. The group provides certainty and assurance to businesses on complex and significant tax issues, large-scale transactions and global tax arrangements. It also provides advice on compliance strategy, and tax technical and legal support to IR.
James Grayson
Deputy Commissioner, Customer and Compliance Services– Individuals
This group led by James helps ensure individuals and families pay and receive the right entitlements from the start by giving advice and support, intervening when they’re getting it wrong and following up when people choose not to do the right thing. It also gives advice and support to tax agents, and designs and delivers any changes to our core tax and social policy system and customer channels.
Mary Craig
Deputy Commissioner, Enterprise Design and Integrity
Mary leads Enterprise Design and Intergrity, which develops our strategic direction and integrates our planning, prioritisation, intelligence and data, performance reporting, architecture and investment management activity. It also provides services and advice to safeguard the integrity and reputation of IR.
David Carrigan
Deputy Commissioner, Policy
This group led by David provides policy advice to the Government, represents New Zealand overseas on tax policy issues and maintains New Zealand’s network of tax treaties with other countries. It also drafts most tax legislation and supports the passage of proposed changes through Parliament.
Mike Cunnington
Deputy Commissioner, Enterprise Services
Mike leads Enterprise Services which supports IR to operate efficiently, effectively and safely by providing seamless and integrated services for technology, finance, human resources and capability, commercial services, marketing and communications, service management and knowledge management.
Michelle Reddington
Chief Tax Counsel
Michelle leads the Tax Counsel Office, which provides technical advice about the interpretation and application of tax law to customers and IR. It provides statements and rulings to explain how tax law affects taxpayers and their agents.