All current KiwiSaver data, including monthly data, is available in Excel downloads located on the Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics page. Annual data is due to be uploaded by 30 September.
Datasets for KiwiSaver statistics
Amount of withdrawals from KiwiSaver funds by withdrawal reason each month
This graph shows the dollar amount of KiwiSaver funds withdrawn, for the purposes of first home purchase or financial hardship, over the past 12 months.
This graph has 13 clustered vertical bars showing funds withdrawn for either the purposes of first home purchase or financial hardship. The vertical axis shows the dollar amount of KiwiSaver funds withdrawn. The horizontal axis represents data from the past 12 months.
- Figures are what has been provided by Scheme Providers to Inland Revenue and may not be 100% of all funds withdrawn.
- These figures do not cover all types of withdrawals. For example, Inland Revenue does not capture retirement withdrawals.
- Members can withdraw funds under both categories within the same period.
- Data for each month is at a point in time and does not reflect any subsequent reversals or late approvals.
In July 2024:
- $191.3 million has been withdrawn for first home purchase or financial hardship, up from $113.6 million in July 2023
Of this amount:
- $35.9 million was attributable to financial hardship, up from $17.6 million in July 20232
- $155.4 million was attributable to first home purchase, up from $96.0 million in July 2023
Amount of KiwiSaver funds withdrawn, by withdrawal reason as at 30 June
This graph shows the amount of KiwiSaver funds withdrawn by reason as at 30 June.
This graph has 11 clustered vertical bars showing funds withdrawn for either the purposes of first home purchase, or financial hardship. The vertical axis shows the dollar amount of KiwiSaver funds withdrawn. The horizontal axis represents data from June 2013 to June 2023.
- Figures have been provided by scheme providers to Inland Revenue and may not be 100% of all of these type of fund withdrawals.
- These figures do not cover all types of withdrawals. For example, Inland Revenue does not capture retirement withdrawals.
- Data from 2020 onwards was updated in 2023.
- From April 2020 KiwiSaver information is reported from a new system.
As at June 2023:
- $1.15 billion has been withdrawn for the purposes of first home purchase or financial hardship, up from $146.5 million in the 2013 financial year
- $173.0 million was attributable to financial hardship, up from $23.1 million in the 2013 financial year
- $974.7 million was attributable to first home purchase, up from $123.4 million in the 2013 financial year.