Income tax Dates
JAN 28AIM instalments are due if you file GST monthly and have a March balance date.
FEB 7End-of-year income tax and Working for Families bills are due, unless your tax agent has an extension of time to file your income tax return.
FEB 28Provisional tax payments are due if you have a March balance date and use the ratio option.
If your income is taxed before you get it, you can expect to hear from us by early June. If you have other types of income and need to file an income tax return (IR3), you can expect to hear from us between April and June.
If you do not need to file a return
If all your income is taxed before you get it, you will not need to file a return. You'll hear from us if there's anything you need to do.
1 April to late May – gathering information
Your employer or income provider, bank and investment providers send us your income and tax information.
Late May to July – we send assessments and requests for more information
We send most income tax assessments between 25 May and 7 June if you use myIR. If we need to send you a request for more information, we'll send it to you at the same time.
If you do not use myIR, you'll get your assessment or request later in the post. If we’re waiting on income information from someone who pays you, you may not get your assessment until July.
If the weekly or fortnightly Working for Families payments you got during the year were based on an income estimate, we'll work out your entitlement based on your actual income. You'll get your Income assessment and your Working for Families assessment by 31 July.
If you’re due a refund
We pay refunds when we process income tax assessments, so not everyone will get theirs at the same time.
If you’ve got a bill
Most people need to pay their tax by 7 February the year after receiving a bill. For example, a tax bill for the 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 tax year is due on 7 February 2025.
When we work out your tax for you: income tax assessments
If you need to file an income tax return – IR3
If you have any income that isn't taxed before you get it, you'll need to file an income tax return.
Early April to May – returns available
If you use myIR and have to file an IR3 return, we'll email or text you to let you know your return is in myIR ready for you to file. If you do not use myIR, we'll send you a paper return in late March or early April.
If anyone who paid you has to send us information about those payments, we suggest you wait until June to file your return. For example, salary or wages, benefits or taxable pensions, interest, or income from KiwiSaver or any other portfolio investment entity (PIE).
Late May – we get your PIE and other income information
If you got income from a KiwiSaver provider or other portfolio investment entity (PIE), or any of the above income types, you need to include it in your return. If you have myIR, we will include this income in your online return when we get it from your provider.
7 July – file your return
Send us your completed IR3 by 7 July unless you have a tax agent or an extension of time.