Income tax Dates
JAN 28AIM instalments are due if you file GST monthly and have a March balance date.
FEB 7End-of-year income tax and Working for Families bills are due, unless your tax agent has an extension of time to file your income tax return.
FEB 28Provisional tax payments are due if you have a March balance date and use the ratio option.
Your income tax assessment will be different depending on your situation. Go to the section below that applies to you. We’ll link you through to instructions to help you complete your assessment.
Our factsheet at the bottom of the page helps you navigate your income tax assessment in myIR . You’ll also find guidance to help you build your tax return and save and edit your drafts.
Automatically issued income tax assessments
Follow these instructions if we’ve asked you for more information or you need to change your assessment.
If we’ve asked for more information
If we’ve asked you to provide more information before we can finalise your income tax assessment, use this page.
Respond to the request for more information - income tax assessments
If you need to change your assessment
If you’ve already received your income tax assessment, but you need to make changes to it (for example, to add income that is missing) use this page.
Change my income tax assessment details
Income tax returns for individuals
Follow these instructions if you need to file a tax return.
Individual tax return - IR3
If you are completing an IR3 tax return, use this page.
Complete my individual income tax return - IR3
Non-resident individual tax return - IR3NR
If you are completing an IRNR3 tax return, use this page.
Complete my non-resident individual tax return - IR3NR
Not sure if you need to file a return?
This page explains why an IR3 is required.
I've been asked to complete an individual tax return (IR3)
If you need to change your assessment
If you’ve already received your income tax assessment, but you need to make changes to it (for example, to add income that is missing) use this page.