Income tax Dates
JAN 28AIM instalments are due if you file GST monthly and have a March balance date.
FEB 7End-of-year income tax and Working for Families bills are due, unless your tax agent has an extension of time to file your income tax return.
FEB 28Provisional tax payments are due if you have a March balance date and use the ratio option.
If you pay investment income, you can file withholding summary returns in myIR using an online form.
This option suits payers who:
- do not file often
- can enter information manually
- have no more than 2,000 payees (line items).
Before you start
You’ll need records that contain the following information for everyone you have paid income to for the month.
For example, with RWT on interest you’ll need details of:
- gross interest paid
- deducted RWT
- RWT rate
- information about joint account holders if this applies to you
- your bank details.
Access your withholding tax account in myIR
For example, click the ‘RWT on interest’ hyperlink on the account tile.
Select your return for the relevant period
Select the 'Periods' tab and select 'File return' for the relevant period.
Fill in the form
Select ‘Enter online’, then select ‘Add a new line item’ for each person you’ve paid.
For each line item you need to do the following:
- Fill in the recipient’s details as specified on the screen.
- Select “Add an income” and complete the Gross interest, RWT deducted and RWT rate fields.
- If the account is a joint account, select “Add a joint account holder” and complete the details for the second account holder. You will need to repeat this if the account has more than two joint holders.
You’ll need to fill in this information every time you file using the myIR online form, even if the details are the same as a previous return. The form is not pre-populated.
Once you've finished adding line items, review your entries and complete the declaration.
Make your payment
If you need to make a payment, you can pay by direct debit, credit card or debit card now.
You can also choose to pay later.
Final return
Only select ‘final return’ if you are no longer going to be paying investment income.
Submit your online return
A confirmation page will show once the return has been submitted.