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Gisborne office temporarily closed | Our Gisborne office will be closed from 12pm 14 February 2025 until 10.30am 26 February 2025. For anything urgent, you can call our contact centre.

You'll need to register for the R&D tax incentive in myIR before claiming R&D tax credits.

Register for the research and development tax incentive

If you're claiming R&D tax credits for 2019-2020, you do not need to seek pre-approval for your R&D activities. For 2020-2021 onwards, you must either apply for general approval on:

  • all your R&D activities
  • some of your R&D activities, electing to be a significant performer for others
  • none of your R&D activities, electing to be a significant performer for all of them.

Before you start

You'll need:

  • records of your R&D activities
  • records of your R&D expenditure and loss and apportionment of that expenditure
  • your income tax return.

Claim R&D tax credits in myIR

From the homepage in your myIR account, select:

  • 'Returns and transactions' from your R&D tax incentive account
  • the 'Returns' tab
  • 'File now' on the tax return year.

You might also see the tax return year under 'Alerts', prompting you to fill in the R&D supplementary return.

For 2019-2020, you'll need to complete your project information and tell us about your core and supporting R&D activities.

For 2020-2021 onwards, this information will self-populate in your R&D supplementary return. It will be based on what you were pre-approved for either by general approval or as a significant performer.

Fill in the research and development supplementary return

Your supplementary return must be filed within 30 days of the due date for your income tax return.

If you're a significant performer and you've submitted a criteria and methodologies application for some or all of your R&D activities, attach your R&D certificate to the supplementary return.

Submit your income tax return

While your income tax return must still be filed within the allowed period, if you file more than 1 year later than that date, you are not eligible for the R&D tax credit.

Log in to myIR

What happens next

Once we have both your income tax return and supplementary return, we can start our evaluation of your application.

Last updated: 28 Apr 2021
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