As you can read in our Statement of Intent 2021–25,1 we focus on progressing 3 outcomes, or long-term results, for New Zealand:
Revenue is available to fund government programmes through people meeting payment obligations of their own accord.
IR collects over 80% of Crown core revenue and we are the steward of the tax system.
The pages below summarise our key results from assessing and collecting tax revenue this year and protecting the overall integrity of the tax system.
Tax revenue reached 115.4 billion this year
In this section we outline what we have done to make it simpler to pay tax, reduce customer compliance efforts and ensure everyone pays their share.
You can find more detail on our performance from page 'Schedule of Non-departmental Revenue' and financial information and notes on revenue on 'Note 2 - Revenue'.
Schedule of Non-departmental Revenue
Social policy payments
People receive payments they are entitled to, enabling them to participate in society.
IR administers a range of social policies and is implementing a new programme, FamilyBoost. We play a central role in improving the long-term effectiveness and efficiency of New Zealand’s social policy system.
A summary of our delivery of social policy payments is here:
You can also read more performance information, including a case study about implementation of the FamilyBoost scheme here:
Outcome 2 – People receive payments they are entitled to, enabling them to participate in society
Outcomes of the transformation programme
Financial information and notes on social policy payments start here:
Schedule of Non Departmental Expenditure
Note 4 - Receivables - child support
New Zealanders benefit economically and socially through our working collaboratively across our external environment.
This page outlines the many organisations we work with in the tax and social policy system.
To achieve our outcomes we work with many others
Throughout the report, you can read about specific initiatives where we have teamed up with other agencies, community groups and international organisations.
You can read case studies on our work with others to collect student loan and child support repayments from customers overseas and our information sharing here:
1Our Statement of Intent covering 2021–25 is available in the 'About us' section at