Notify us of the death
Before you can file a final income tax return for someone who has died, you need to notify us of the death.
Find out if you need to file a final income tax return
Contact us on 0800 227 774 to find out if you need to file a final income tax return for the person who has died.
Gather your information
You will need the IRD number of the person who has died. Once you know their IRD number you will need to request a tax pack.
Contact us on 0800 227 774 if you do not know their IRD number, or to request a tax pack.
File an income tax return
File a Declaration in support of refund for deceased persons
If the person who has died was due a tax refund when they died, file a Declaration in support of refund for deceased persons (IR625).
File a declaration in support of refund for deceased persons - IR625
Last updated:
16 Oct 2020