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FamilyBoost registrations | You can register for FamilyBoost in myIR from 17 September 2024. Find out more: How to get FamilyBoost October 2024

  • Our new tools, processes and capabilities are enabling us to work differently and more effectively. This helps us to be more customer-centric and improve the way we operate to benefit New Zealanders.
  • Nā ā mātou taonga mahi hou, ngā tukanga me ngā pūkenga, i āhei ai tā mātou mahi rerekē, whai hua ake ai hoki. Mā tēnei ka nui ake te aro ki ngā kiritaki, ka pai ake hoki ā mātou whakahaere hei huanga mō ngā tāngata o Aotearoa.

Over the past few years, we have changed pretty much everything we do to deliver better experiences for New Zealanders. Through transformation, we’ve invested in our people and systems, simplified things for customers, delivered a better customer experience and implemented new ways of working.

A modern, digital revenue system is in place

The digital revenue system we set out to deliver at the start of transformation is now largely in place. Our multi-year programme is on track to be completed on budget and on time - by 30 June 2022. This year saw us complete all the changes to policy and legislation that frame and support the modernisation of the revenue system.

Our systems are more resilient - they handle 50% to 60% more transactions than previously, with peak loads up to 200% higher. For example, at the end of June each year, KiwiSaver providers apply for the government contribution on behalf of their members. In the first 5 days of July 2021, we processed the bulk of these claims - more than 2.6 million worth $904 million in total - and we’ve been able to pay out claims the next business day.

  • We’re seeing a range of efficiencies from our new systems and more automated processes. For example, the cost of processing employment information and income and GST returns has fallen significantly. It cost $1.86 this year, compared to $2.78 in 2019-20.
  • Overall, we're doing more with less. Our total spend excluding transformation this year was $50 million less than 2016-17.

The final customer-facing changes are being implemented in 2 releases during 2021.

  • Paid parental leave, unclaimed money, duties (including casino, lottery and totalisator duty, and the problem gambling levy) and New Zealand foreign trusts went live on new systems and processes in February 2021. These products are running smoothly with few issues encountered following go-live.
  • Child support services are scheduled to change over to our new systems and processes later in 2021. We’re also upgrading the online services that all customers use, notably myIR.

We continued to decommission more than 400 heritage systems. You can read more about our technology management.

Our assets

The Office of the Auditor-General reviewed our benefits management in July 2020, and found we are “...well positioned to realise the benefits of the Business Transformation programme. However, there are a significant amount of financial benefits to achieve between now and 2023-24, when its monitoring of the programme’s benefits is due to finish.”

You can read the report on the Controller and Auditor-General website.

Inland Revenue Department: Benefits management for the Business Transformation programme -

Our staged release of changes to services

Last updated: 02 Nov 2021
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