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We have continued to focus on supporting our customers through the COVID-19 pandemic this year, while also upholding the integrity of the tax and social policy system.

  • We assessed $100.6 billion of tax revenue to help fund government programmes.
  • We paid out $4.6 billion in support payments and loans to help customers affected by COVID-19.
  • Along with MSD, we distributed a net $2.92 billion in Working for Families Tax Credit entitlements to support working families.
  • We completed 1.72 million items of correspondence.
  • We issued 3.3 million automatic income tax assessments.
  • We answered 1.3 million calls.

Our performance towards our outcomes has remained relatively steady during a year of significant events and challenges.

  • Assessed tax revenue of $100.6 billion, was 7.3% higher than 2020-21. The increase is mainly due to stronger individuals and companies revenue.
  • Although overdue tax debt has grown over the year, with revenue also growing, it still represents a similar percentage of revenue to pre-pandemic levels.
  • Our real-time reviews of all returns filed (including GST and donation tax credits) resulted in $165.8 million of incorrect or fraudulent refunds and tax reductions being stopped at the time of filing in 2021-22.
  • We continued to provide customers with timely refunds and social policy payments. We achieved the majority of our timeliness targets.
  • The accuracy of our automatic income tax assessments for individuals is mixed. Average refunds have steadily decreased between 2019 and 2021. The increases in the average tax to pay is due, in part, to income being more variable due to COVID-19, and us prioritising providing COVID-19 support over other work such as checking people are on correct rates.
  • The accuracy of our Working for Families Tax Credits assessments is holding steady, a positive result given the instability of some customers' employment and income during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over two-thirds of WfFTC customers received within 20% of their entitlement over the last 3 years.
  • We worked with a number of agencies to support and deliver COVID-19 services and initiatives.

Our performance against our customer outcomes reflect the challenges customers have faced over the year.

  • Globally, the challenge of maintaining people's trust in government and public institutions is emerging as one of the key issues of the pandemic. Trust in Inland Revenue is trending down.
  • Significantly more people are now using our digital channels. Between 2016-17 and 2021-22, myIR user sessions have more than tripled from 17 to 60 million, and website sessions nearly tripled from 29 to 76 million sessions.
  • Customers' perceptions of knowing what to do, and confidence they are doing the right thing, remained stable in 2021-22. We'll continue to work to support customers to get it right from the start, and help them get familiar with what they need to do.

Our performance in delivering services to our customers and and government reflects our continued focus on maintaining the integrity of the tax and social policy system and supporting customers through the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Providing COVID-19 support to customers, and reduced capacity throughout the year, has meant we've been operating under pressure. In turn, this has meant that we were not always able to respond as quickly to all our customers as we would have liked.
  • We achieved 30 out of 42, or 71%, of our output performance measures this year. This is a drop from 2020-21, when we achieved 37 out of 44, or 84%, of our output measures.

Our performance against our organisational health reflect the challenges we have faced over the year.

Last updated: 16 Sep 2022
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