Our 3 customer outcomes are:
- motivation
- opportunity
- capability.
They represent the changes we want in customers' knowledge, skills or behaviour. These changes mean we can support them to get it right from the start, which helps us achieve our outcomes.
We design our products and processes to make it easy for customers to do the right thing, and hard to get things wrong. We're respectful and empathetic - helping people to get it right or to recover when things have gone wrong.
When we need to, we enforce through audit and litigation, to ensure we find and stop individuals and businesses deliberately seeking to defraud the system.
Customer motivation
We define customer motivation as the factors that make people willing to comply and then actually follow through with an action.
Customer opportunity
We define customer opportunity as the ease with which a customer can comply with their obligations or access their entitlements.
Customer capability
We define our customer capability as the ability of customers to meet their obligations and access their entitlements.