Peter Mersi leads our Executive Leadership Team
Peter was appointed Commissioner and Chief Executive | Kaikōmihana of Te Tari Taake, Inland Revenue in July 2022. Before this, he was the Secretary and Chief Executive for Transport (2016 to 2022), Chief Executive of Toitū Te Whenua, Land Information New Zealand (2012 of 2016) and spent 6 months as the Acting Secretary and Chief Executive of Te Tari Taiwhenua, the Department of Internal Affairs (2011 to 2012).
Peter has held senior leadership roles at Te Tari Taake, Inland Revenue (2010 to 2012) and Te Tai Ōhanga, the Treasury (2001 to 2010).
Peter is the System Lead for Service Transformation, which involves leading and coordinating best practice across government for aligning and delivering services to customers using digital technology.
He co-chairs Papa Pounamu, an initiative to support and grow diversity and inclusion in the public sector. You can read more about Papa Pounamu here.
James Grayson
Deputy Commissioner, Customer and Compliance Services—Individuals Kaikōmihana Tuarua, Ratonga Kiritaki me te Tautukunga—Takitahi
James has been with Te Tari Taake Inland Revenue for almost 20 years. He’s worked in a variety of roles, including leading large operational groups and making a significant contribution to our business transformation.
James leads our business group for Customer and Compliance Services—Individuals. They make tax and compliance simpler by giving guidance and support to individual customers, families and tax agents.
Tony Morris
Acting Deputy Commissioner, Customer and Compliance Services—Business Kaikōmihana Tuarua, Ratonga Kiritaki me te Tautukunga—Pakihi
Tony has had an extensive career with us, working across our tax technical areas.
He acted as Deputy Commissioner of our business group for Customer and Compliance Services—Business this year until July 2023, when Lisa Barrett joined Te Tari Taake Inland Revenue as the new Deputy Commissioner.
This group provides certainty and accuracy on complex and global tax arrangements, working to support micro-businesses, small-to-medium-sized enterprises and significant enterprises.
David Carrigan
Deputy Commissioner, Policy and Regulatory Stewardship Kaikōmihana Tuarua, Kaupapa me te Tiaki Waeture
David has held several tax policy positions at Inland Revenue since joining us in 1996. He’s led a number of reforms, most recently policy work to support our transformation. David leads our Policy and Regulatory Stewardship business group, which provides tax and social policy advice alongside Te Tai Ōhanga, the Treasury. The group represents New Zealand overseas on tax policy issues, and negotiates and maintains the network of tax treaties with other countries. They also draft most tax legislation and support the passage of proposed changes through Parliament.
Mary Craig
Deputy Commissioner, Enterprise Design and Integrity Kaikōmihana Tuarua, Hinonga Hoahoa me te Tika
Mary has had an extensive and varied career since joining us. She leads our business group for Enterprise Design and Integrity, which supports the Commissioner and Executive Leadership Team to lead and govern effectively.
This group facilitates integrated business architecture and system and digital design, along with prioritisation and investment across our organisation. They safeguard our integrity and reputation and lead the programme to help build our Māori cultural capability.
Michelle Redington
Chief Tax Counsel Rōia Tāke Matua
Michelle has been our Chief Tax Counsel since March 2021—she leads Te Tari Tohutohu Take, our Tax Counsel Office. Michelle has over 20 years’ professional taxation experience, including several senior leadership roles, primarily in the private sector.
The Tax Counsel Office maintains confidence in the tax administration by providing guidance on the correct interpretation of the Inland Revenue Acts and other relevant laws, and by considering case law.
Mike Cunnington
Kaikōmihana Tuarua, Ratonga Hinonga Deputy Commissioner, Enterprise Services
Mike joined Te Tari Taake Inland Revenue in July 2013 and has led our approach to compliance and customer strategies and our digital, data analytics and marketing capabilities.
In February 2023, Mike became Deputy Commissioner for Enterprise Services. The group supports our people to operate efficiently, effectively and safely by providing seamless, integrated services across Te Tari Taake Inland Revenue.