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Gisborne office temporarily closed | Our Gisborne office will be closed from 12pm 14 February 2025 until 10.30am 26 February 2025. For anything urgent, you can call our contact centre.

Te Tari Taake Inland Revenue is based in 17 cities and towns across Aotearoa. We have 21 permanent offices. We run a property programme that takes opportunities to:

  • modernise workplaces, and
  • ensure our sites are robust for the future and reflect emissions reduction initiatives.

Where circumstances allow, we’re reducing our footprint and co-locating with other agencies.

This year, we:

  • completed seismic assessments of most properties
  • upgraded the security and operation of front-of-house facilities at 6 locations, with enhanced accessibility for customers
  • neared completion of the refits of the Asteron Centre in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington and our office in Māwhera, Greymouth following seismic upgrades.

Asteron Centre is the home site to over 20% of our people. The building has undergone a seismic upgrade that required removal of a substantial portion of our existing 12 year-old fitout.

We have reduced our footprint in Asteron due to lower people numbers and a workspace re-design that supports more flexible, activity-based working. Our lease reduced from 8 to 5 floors from December 2022, with an annual saving of $5.8 million.

Reducing costs in our refit of Asteron has been a focus throughout this project. Where it was more cost effective, we have re-used the existing fit-out, our old furniture or furniture from other agencies.

For example, Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga Archives NZ has donated shelving and we’re using some existing kitchenware. We chose to buy generic furniture instead of initial specifications from the project architect, saving $350,000.

We also installed re-locatable meeting pods instead of building permanent meeting rooms.

The workplace re-design has kept our diverse workforce in mind by providing, for example, accessible kitchen benches and gender-neutral bathrooms.

Environmental factors have been a key consideration. We have worked with a relocation partner that deconstructs and recycles furniture that is of no further use. 54 tonnes of carpet have been donated instead of being sent to a land fill, saving 33.6 tonnes of carbon. 

We monitor 6 indicators of the performance of our property portfolio and vehicle fleet against organisational goals and government guidelines - 2 of 6 indicator targets were achieved.

Our buildings need to comply with fire safety regulations and the Building Act 2004. All have a current building warrant of fitness and evacuation procedures. We worked with landlords to put regular trial evacuation schedules back in place after they were suspended due to COVID-19. Our target this year was not achieved because 1 remaining trial took place in July 2023, outside the 2022–23 timeframe.

NABERSNZ is a system for rating the energy efficiency of office buildings. We have completed assessments of our larger sites: 10 met the minimum acceptable rating. The landlord in 1 remaining building is working to address an issue.

10 of our 12 metro sites met a space utilisation target of no more than 16 square metres per person. We have planned recruitment in the 2 sites that fell outside the target.

Our teams used the vehicle fleet more this year as they stepped up community engagements and visits. However, work that we needed to prioritise this year, such as supporting customers affected by weather events, kept our people in the office. This limited community activities to an extent and contributed to our fleet utilisation being lower than our target.

  • 86% of legislative compliance requirements were met by their due date against a target of 100%, up from 74% in 2022.
  • 100% of non-legislative compliance requirements were met by their due date against a target of 100%, up from 96% in 2022.
  • 100% of front-of-house facilities met security standards against a target to 100% (new measure).
  • 91% of NABERSNZ building energy efficiency assessments rated a 4 or more for existing buildings and 5 for new buildings. Target: 100% (new measure).
  • 83% of metro buildings where the square metre utilisation is no more than NZ Government Property Group guidelines. Target: 100%. Up from 77% in 2022.
  • 18% utilisation of bookable vehicles against a target of 45%, up from 7% in 2022.
Last updated: 18 Dec 2023
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