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Our people work from cities and towns around Aotearoa and come from many different communities.

We focus on attracting and keeping capable people and increasing diversity, equity and inclusion at Te Tari Taake Inland Revenue. Taking a long-term, data-driven approach to workforce planning is helping to build capability for the future.

How we do things here

Our business transformation has enabled entirely new ways of working-our people are empowered to resolve issues for customers at their first contact, and we use networked teams, where groups of experts and stakeholders from different fields come together to work on a project or achieve a specific outcomes.

We want to reflect this in our culture, along with the importance of our role to help improve Māori Crown Relations. This year, Te Tari Taake whānau came together to create a new set of organisational behaviours. These were designed by our people to provide clarity on how we do things.

The new behaviours were launched in March 2023 as Te Pou o te Tangata. Te Pou o te Tangata relates te ao Māori concepts to our work and recognises everything we do starts and ends with people:

  • Mahi tika. We do the right things, are open and accountable. We do what we say. We are flexible and learn as we go.
  • Manaakitanga. We seek to lift the mana of others, are generous with our knowledge, and care for those around us. We see the value in diversity.
  • Whanaungatanga. We make connections, listen and value the experiences of others. We are open minded, inclusive and show respect.

Capability-based approach

We develop our people’s capabilities in areas that represent the mix of skills, experience, knowledge and behaviours we need to adapt to a changing environment and customer needs.

A core way we do this is through regular coaching conversations between our people and their leaders. Together they create tailored learning plans. We support this with tools and resources—for example tax technical learning—for staff at different career stages.

We’ve had good success in developing people to move into different parts of Our organisation in line with their career aspirations. For example, this year 650 people across our 4,000 plus workforce were seconded to different roles, or worked with different customer groups.

Workforce for the future

Like many organisations, we have experienced the impacts of a volatile talent market and we’re actively planning for the workforce needed in years to come.

Through regular surveys, our people tell us they like our flexible, supportive and inclusive environment. We’re emphasising our commitment to offering to current and future employees a work experience that people value. A positive reputation in the market has resulted in a significant shift in the volume and quality of candidates applying for roles.

A new video for recruitment advertising aims to help build the public’s awareness of what Te Tari Taake Inland Revenue really does. It’s one way that we’re working to attract a wide range of people who may not have considered a career here.

Last updated: 18 Dec 2023
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