The Income of Trusts and Estates statistics section reports on statistics from returns filed by trusts and estates in a tax year. We update these statistics and publish them annually.
The statistics include numbers of:
- trusts and estates
- income of trusts and estates
- the amount of income received as gross dividends
- the amount of income distributed to beneficiaries
- the amount of income taxed at the trustee tax rate.
You can download the trusts and estates data from the 2001 to 2022 tax years on the Income of Trusts and Estates statistics dataset page. Data for the 2019 to 2021 tax years has been revised.
The latest update uses data from Inland Revenue systems on 23 October 2023.
Also included in this release is a presentation delivered at the Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) tax conference on 16 November 2023. This presentation is about information collected in the 2022 tax returns incorporating more disclosure requirements of trusts under section 59BA of the Tax Administration Act 1994.