Our impacts describe the difference we want to make to help achieve our mission. We aim to support our customers, so they know what to do, find it easy and do what they need to.
Customers know what to do
Results from the Customer Experience and Perceptions Survey on whether customers know what to do.
Customers find it easy
Results from the Customer Experience and Perceptions Survey on whether customers find their tax, and interacting with us, easy to do.
Customers do what they need to
Results of how many tax payments were made, and tax files returned, on time over the 12 months up to 30 June 2021.
We use intelligence and insights to improve customer outcomes and revenue
Using customer insights helps us continually improve our activities, maintain the integrity of the revenue system by better targeting our interventions, and design and deliver the right customer experiences.
We deliver evidence-based policy that is innovative and responsive to customer needs
We need policy agility, so that we can maintain a world-class revenue system in an increasingly complex and changing world.
We work with others to create better results for customers and government
We share our information and expertise to benefit New Zealanders and government socially and economically.