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This section reports on our performance against our output measures and targets, which are included in The Estimates of Appropriations for the Government of New Zealand for the year ending 30 June 2021.

Full details can be found on the Treasury’s website.

Vote Revenue - Finance and Government Administration Sector - Estimates 2020/21 -

We have 4 appropriations for the services we provide to the Government and the public.

1. Services for Customers

Services for Customers is a multi-category appropriation that covers 4 categories.

  1. 1. Services to Ministers and to inform the public about entitlements and meeting obligations.
  2. 2. Services to Process Obligations and Entitlements.
  3. 3. Management of Debt and Unfiled Returns.
  4. 4. Investigations.

2. Policy Advice

3. Services to Other Agencies

4. Transformation

Transformation is a multi-year appropriation to cover the design and implementation of a modern system for tax revenue and social policy.

We compared our performance information against the output measures and results for 2019-20. Our output targets for 2021-22 are included to provide context to the 2020-21 results. We explain measures when we have not met the target or have exceeded a target by more than 15%.

Some output measures are calculated using a sample of the customer population. We have marked these measures with a hash (#).

All target and forecast figures in this 'Our services' section are not subject to audit.

Review of 2020-21 output performance measures and targets

We have 2 categories of output measures: primary and supporting. The primary measures have greater focus on what we’re intending to achieve and show progress towards achieving our outcomes. Supporting measures are more operational in nature, providing additional information.

We review our output measures and targets each year to ensure that they reflect the range of services we provide and our operating environment, and support the achievement of our outcomes.

Throughout our transformation, we’ve been evolving our output measures to ensure they’re fit for purpose to assess our service delivery. The changes to our measures for 2020-21 build on those made in previous years. Since 2018-19, we’ve made 22 adjustments to measures to reflect improved efficiencies and the value derived from our transformed services, and to ensure customer service levels are maintained.

Key for our 2020-21 output measure results:

  • (M) - met the target.
  • (D) - did not meet the target.

Last updated: 02 Nov 2021
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